What is the best way to light a log fire?
If you’re looking to get the best value for your money and make the most out of your wood burning stove or wood burner, then knowing the proper way to burn logs is essential.
In this guide, we will discuss the most effective way to burn fire logs and how to choose the right type of wood for your log burning stove or open fire.
There is nothing like that feeling of getting the fire lighting first time. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create a log fire in three simple steps:
1. Get a sufficient supply of kiln dried firewood logs
When it comes to lighting your fire, there are a few different options to consider. Firelogs or Stove Logs can be convenient for quick and easy lighting, but they can often contain additives and chemicals that are harmful to the environment.
Kiln Dried Logs are a better option as they are made from natural wood and don’t contain any harmful chemicals. Kiln dried hardwood logs are also a great choice as they have a moisture content of less than 20%, which means they burn hotter and for longer.
Top Tip: Use bagged logs as they are great for keeping in the moisture and are very easy to carry inside. Remember to fill your fire side basket during the day so you are not going outside when it’s cold and dark.
If you’re wondering where to find kiln dried logs near you, Boyle’s Solid Fuels offers the best value, high quality Kindling, Stove Logs, Kiln Dried Logs and Smokeless Coal. Check out our collection specials and our online shop and we would be happy to help you get your fire started.
2. Get the fire started
The best place to start is with low moisture kindling. It’s always good to have a small basket of these dry, 1-2 cm diameter sticks. Pinecones and dried orange peels are also a very good and sustainable alternative to kindling.
Leave a light blanket of ash and make a saucer shaper depression in the centre where the kindling will go. Throw in the material you will use to light the fire first such as paper, cardboard, Kiln Dried Birch Kindling or Waxies Firelighters. Place several sticks of kindling over them like a tipi.
When it comes to burning logs, the most effective way is to ignite the fire with birch. Birch is one of the lighter hardwoods, so it ignites quickly, giving you instant flame and heat. Have a couple of logs ready to place on top the kindling once you see it has taken. If you have a wood stove, keep the air vents open at this stage, and maybe the door just slightly open.
3. Keep the fire going
Once the fire is lit and has a base from the birch, you can then start feeding the fire with ash or oak. Ash and oak are both heavy hardwoods, which means they provide a long-lasting burn.
Partly close the air vents on your stove and you will see the beautiful flames we love. The aim is burn just enough wood needed to keep the fire going but not too much so it is wasted.
Important to note is an open fire will burn around five times more than a wood-burning stove. Continue to feed your fire with one or two logs at a time when you see the logs are turning to embers.
We offer one free bag of Kiln Dried Logs when you buy 10. You can mix and match between birch, ash, oak or all for the same price. You might prefer 5 ash and 6 birch, or 8 ash and 3 birch, you can choose your preferred combination at no extra cost.
It’s also worth mentioning that birch is also handy if you only need quick, instant heat for a short period of time. For example, if the fire is going out and you only plan to stay up for another 30 minutes.
After all that…
Even more importantly is to put your feet up and enjoy the warmth from the flames. This is highly recommended by the experts 😉
On a more serious note, it is very important to keep your open fire chimney and stoves cleaned at least once a year. Book your chimney sweep with us online today.
By following the tips above, you will get the most out of your log burning fire and keep your home warm and cosy on those cold days.